New Colorado Gun Laws – The Outcome of the 2024 Legislative Session
Lesley Hollywood from Rally for Our Rights joins Ava Flanell to discuss the outcome of the Colorado 2024 Legislative Session and the implications these gun control bills will bring to Colorado. They discuss which bills died, which one will be voted on during election, and which bills passed, and the amendments made for these bills.

The Colorado Assault Weapons Ban Bill Is Dead!
The Colorado Assault Weapons Ban Bill Is Dead
Lesley Hollywood from Rally For Our Rights joins Ava Flanell to discuss the death of HB24-1292 – the Colorado Assault Weapons Ban Bill.
Dive into the exciting news as we explore how the Colorado Assault Weapons Ban Bill was defeated! Join us to uncover the details and implications of this significant decision in Colorado. Stay informed and engaged with the latest updates on gun legislation! Don’t miss out on this breaking news!
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If We Don’t Speak Out, Who Will? – Ava Flanell – Shooting Industry Magazine
Check out my new article in Shooting Industry Magazine on the need to speak out on politics.
CO Dems Push 11% Excise Firearms Tax, Other CA Gun Controls
CO Dems Push 11% Excise Firearms Tax, Other CA Gun Controls
Check out my feature in Breitbart.
Colorado Democrats blasted for sweeping gun control measures: ‘Self-defense is not a sin. It’s a human right’
Colorado Democrats blasted for sweeping gun control measures: ‘Self-defense is not a sin. It’s a human right’
Colorado Dems push sweeping gun control laws that are flying under national radar: ‘Public is fed up’
Check out my interview on Fox News regarding the anti-gun legislation in Colorado.
Denver Gazette Guest Column: Firearms bans threaten our personal safety – Ava Flanell
Check out my recent article on Colorado’s anti-gun legislation for the Denver Gazette:
Urgent: Testify For Our Rights On Colorado AWB
Fellow Citizens of Colorado, The “Assault Weapons” ban is back and will be heard next week. This measure goes beyond targeting stereotypical semi-automatic rifles, such as AR-15 and AK-47 platforms; it also seeks to prohibit many common semi-automatic pistols, shotguns, triggers, etc. and will make it illegal for Coloradans to purchase any of these firearms […]
Training Today
Check out my recent interview for Shooting Industry Magazine on Training Today.
History Of .22
Check out my recent article on Smith and Wesson’s Blog about the history of .22.