Welcome to Gun Funny, Episode 78. Today we’re going to chat with David from Danger Close Armament, introduce a new character named Jack the fudd, and talk about Archon Firearms Type B.


Today’s panel is Shawn Herrin and I’m Ava Flanell.


Welcome to the show everyone.


Manticore Armshttps://manticorearms.com/

Use code gunfunny15 for 15% off


Deconstructing the IndustryDanger Close Armament


Hackett Equipment – (15mins in) https://hackettequipment.com/

Use code GunFunny20  for 20% off


Q, LLC – http://liveqordie.com


Knowledge Bomb –

-President Garfield’s assassin (Charles J. Guiteau) chose an ivory-handled gun over a similar wooden-handled model because he knew it would look better in a museum exhibit.

-Hunter S Thompson refused to go on Conan O’Brien show until he finally agreed on one condition. Conan had to meet him on a remote farm to drink hard liquor and shoot guns.

-The filmmakers of “Lord of War” used a real stockpile of over 3,000 AK-47s because it was cheaper than getting prop guns.



Matador Arms – http://matadorarms.com/

Use code Gunfunny10 for 10% off


Prank call – Too weak!


Polymer80 https://www.polymer80.com/

Use code GunFunny for 10% off


Tacti-TalkArchon Firearms


Facebook Reviews

Brian N. – Recommended – Awesome show to start the morning with. Great information, like the prank calls brings back when I got paid to do prank people, awesome guests..never dull moment! Very AK happy..all good if your into that..I am not there as of yet, I’m new to the gun world. Just a big guy with a Ruger LC9s. One day I’ll get there. But thanks for the great show, keep the pranks coming..last one Me, Myself, and Irene was F’in hilarious!


Drew C. – Recommended –

Tried to leave a review on iTunes, but iTunes sucks.

I stumbled across this podcast a few months and was not disappointed. I get great information about the firearms world without all the chest beating and sales pitches. It’s funny and light hearted which keeps me from falling asleep at work. I recently attended the 2018 NRAAM in Dallas where I met this pair at the Manticore arms booth. They were the same in person as they are in the show which says a lot to me. They made me feel welcome, and part of the group which was nice because if left to my own devices I can become a wall flower. They asked me what my favorite part of the podcast was, and at the time I said the prank calls, but having more time to think about it I would change my answer to that they make you feel like part of the conversation and not just being talked at. If I had to find a negative it would be that they turned me into a dirty dirty patch whore. I now have to sell myself on the streets to finance my patch of the month habit from the Patriot Patch Co. After following them on Instagram, it seems that I need to shadow them at the next NRAAM, because it looks like they got all the dank patches.

Josh M. – Recommended – This show is absolutely amazing. If you like firearms this is the podcast for you. The host Ava flannel and her crazy sidekick Shawn heroin really know their stuff. They also have some of the best prank calls you will ever hear (if you are 12 and have autism which Shawn might) but on a serious note great podcast, great people and you’re guaranteed to learn something about the industry and have a laugh every episode. Keep up the great work guys!!


*** Giving away a Lone Wolf Ultimate Connector Kit w/ 3 connectors and spring


Wrapping up – Find us at gunfunny.com, as well as:








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Charger Arms

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  • Did you encounter a special moment at the range? Send in the spent casing to 2A Jewels and have them make it into jewelry to treasure the moment.


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